Wednesday, February 13, 2019


@Kingdom Telegrams! |

  Facebook Hebrews Cafe .Canada Presents :

 "The Son's Hat" @Kingdom Telegrams!

 What We Offer?

The Son’s Hat Intimate Telegram Team is doing something New and Unique and Precious in God’s Eyes and Heart and His Mind!

 Deliver Me!
  Not yet!
  It's time to Have A S.I.P !!  Synergy Interactive Prayer!

Option 1) Would you like to Hire Us to :

  Receive A Kingdom Telegram? 

 Option 2) Would You Like to Hire Us to :

  Help You to Deliver A Kingdom Telegram?

 Let's Take A Closer Look at The Options!

  Dine In -- Option 1 Our speciality:
 "Scroll the Word - Kingdom Telegram "

 is for someone who wants to ask The Lord Jesus for His Special Kingdom Telegram.

 This option involves The Person and The Holy Spirit to Help bring forth the Word of God within the Person. Our specialty: "Scroll the Word - Kingdom Telegram "

  Q? "So Option 1 is more for Having An Internal Dialogue with God about what I want from Jesus? Is that right??"

A: Yes. It begins with You or someone who would like to discuss their thoughts with God. The Son's Hat Team will help set that Up through, "Scroll the Word - Kingdom Telegram".

Take Out -- Option 2 "
 Delivery - Kingdom Telegram"  is for someone who wants to Hire our Team to Help Them deliver a Message, a Kingdom Telegram. The person or the Sender of the Telegram, would help us put together a Special Message which involves the Sender, the Help of the Holy Spirit and Us, The Son's Hat Intimate Telegram Team.

Q? Okay, this service is if I want to Hire someone to Bring or Deliver A message on my behalf? Is that right?

  A: Yes. If you and Jesus have a Message you want to share with someone, this is a place to begin that process. The Son's Hat Team will help You and Jesus to create a Special Telegram that helps Deliver The Good News or Thoughts that is being intended to share.

  "A Kingdom Telegram - Delivery"
 contact us for more information

  @thesonshat, @singingtelegrams, @kingdomtelegrams, @jesuschristonthemic!

We offer something New to the @SINGINGTELEGRAM world!

Called, @KingdomTelegrams

 #kingdomtelegrams, #singingtelegrams, #thesonshat, #hebrewscafeca, @hebrewscafeca

  A Singing Telegram:
In the Beginning, The Lord God declared, "It is Good!" With Joy and with Great Pride, He declared, "It is Good!" and Then he declared, "It is Very Good!" at all that He had made!  Declaring a Message from the Beginning has been part of God's intimacy with His creation. Writing a Letter to tell of History and the Historical events are also part of God's journey with creation.

   Kingdom Telegrams are messages that hold information which is important, timely and valuable to a person in Spirit and in Truth and delivered to their Heart and Home.

  Kingdom Telegrams mixed with Singing may not make sense to everyone listening, but the Message will hopefully pertain to the One who is the receiver. The Sender of the Message will hopefully make sure the Receiver knows it is for them!  The Son's Hat Intimate Telegram Team will help Bring The Sender's Message to the Receiver! It is up to the Sender to Help The Son's Hat I. T. Team, prepare the Way, the Truth, and the Life for the Kingdom Telegram to be relayed to the Receiver! Together, The Son's Hat Intimate Telegram Team would like to Help You and God in Jesus name .

Deliver the Kingdom Telegram,
and we Offer various Types, including :

  A Singing Telegram
  A Dramatic Telegram
  A Written Telegram
  A Telephone Telegram
  A Legal Telegram

Our Speciality is called, "Kingdom Telegrams"

 Our Unique Touch is Described like this:

Scroll The Word- Kingdom Telegram 




Visit our Main Site

February 13, 2019

"My Name is on the Line - Scroll The Word - KINGDOM TELEGRAMS.
J.C. on the Mic!
This is My Word! Scroll The Word - KINGDOM TELEGRAMS
#scrolltheword, #kingdomtelegrams #hebrewscafecanada #thesonshat, #jconthemic