Friday, April 24, 2020

My Publishing...

Hebrews Cafe.Canada is pleased to announce another addition to their house.
The Risen Lord Jesus Christ has launched His very own publishing house.

For more information you can visit His website,



Me & My Kingdom Publishing House

Saturday, April 18, 2020

J.C on the mic

Check out the latest on the Risen Lord Jesus Christ Blog : My Rock-Art * Studio: Art Meets the Artist. 

Visit link:

Wednesday, April 1, 2020



The Son Heir in Training School-Academy

School Resources - Visit the Resource Room

The Son's Hat


JESUS And Me  Teams

Apprentice Program

We are looking to hire for the summer the following :

A Son's Hat Apprentice

Pastoral Apprentice

Jesus & Me Apprentice

Under The Son's Hat Apprenticeship Program

Visit this Link for Details  :

"The Son Heir In Training Apprentice"

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Son's Hat Church

R.S.V.P  August 4th 2019
Or see more Events from
" The Son's Hat " for more dates.
Sundays at 2pm in Hope, BC.


For an Insider's #Art*-Scoop, 
You can download one of the Letter's that we have from Jesus regarding His Son's Hat Church service.
Letter 1. " Judgement: My Father "

Friday, March 22, 2019

March 22 2019

The Holy Spirit shared,
" what is significant about today Ali? "

" I don't know Lord Jesus? What? "

He shared to " have a look online and check it out " .
So we did...
And the first thing we found  was the date in the gregorian calendar and the place with in the year it is held.
And the second thing was, it is the day, of an international day " World Water Day" .

And then we looked up a few more places and found birthdays and deaths.
And some other type of events that have history on this day. 

Particularly we read about Johnathan Edwards who died this day at 54 years old.
He was a Christian evangelist of the lutheran sect.

So,.. now, we are writing here about the significance of this.

So Holy Spirit, what do you want us to share with the folks about this "research"?
Do we have enough or do we need to look a little more deeper? .. Ali. On the mic.

"Thanks friend! , okay!. Lets start by sharing this link for our Blog tonight and follow up in the next one. 

 But I will say, so we dont forget... we saw Water today, who was celebrated for drinking a  cup of water. He replied with, " well water is  refreshing".  

And after he was exhorted by the same person with, " well Water, you are a refreshing person".

This same event held a moment of God speaking to his people in a way that required "Faith".
One of the ways we - JC and Ali team,  were involved was in asking for a definition of the word faith.

We asked the leader of the conversation who used the term faith to stop and define the word. 

In this, the result was to assist in clarifying and our hope, was to stop a false slop of " B.U.L.L. S.H.I.T" as defined by the Son Heir In Training School-Academy.